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Net Zero Green Building & Farm Solution

Sustainability meets Feasibility
Planning meets Action

The Green Planner

Earth Planning constitutes the layouting of the land, including Trees, forest and farm map, seperation from build enviornment and water maps, and including the supply chain workflow.

Water Planning is cumilative planning of water harvesting, storage, water purifiation, & waste water recycling, including impact on earth planning for use of swales and water channels.

Energy planning includes, all energy systems, from renewable energy harvesting (wind, water, solar) as well as all electrical system where energy is utilised. this also includes Earth & Building planning, that incur major energy utilisation.

Build enviornment constitute of infrastructure & civil work required for the land & its inhabitant use. This includes buildings like, House, Shed, animal shelter, & civil works like sewerage line & roads

Life Cycle Planner

Life Planning is the flow of human and animal life and the food cycles on the land, that becomes inegral part of all other systems. This involves, physiological as well as phychological aspects of life.

Flatten Bamboo Shingles Roof

Think Green

Green Solutions are amalgamation of Architecture, Engineering & Permaculture for Sustainable & Eco Friendly Build Enviornment

Our Products

Reimagine the Farm Infrastructure




Zome Home Villa
Zome Home Villa

Zome Home

Minimal Carbon Footprint, with luxuries of nature

Zome Home Villa




Zome Home Villa

Zome Home

Hand Crafted luxurious Bamboo Mansions for a blissful nature inspired sustainable lifestyle. 

Zome Home Villa




Tools to generate Green Credits

We are on a mission to create Green Technologies for sustainable solutions

to achieve NetZero.

Minimize Land Use

Maximise Green Cover.

This includes practices such as permaculture, which seeks to mimic the natural ecosystems found in nature in order to grow food in a way that is both productive and regenerative.

Conserve Water

We Design Roofing systems for rain water harvesting. Grey water is charged for landscaping & plantation

Reduce GHGE

Using Materials like Bamboo, Stone & Lime, minimizes the carbon footprint of the building & Eco lifestyle controls GHG

Renewable Energy

Integration of Solar & Wind energy systems for harnessing energy

Our Services

Integrated Design Development

"Masterplan helps build a infrastructure roadmap for years of development"

Building a robost masterplan to plan your land development in phases, to match your vision and budget. 


"Build safe and clean with locally available and natural materials."

Bamboo, Stone, Lime, Adobe, & Reclaimed wood, are the raw ingredients to cook the perfect natural building design recipe. 

Natural Building Technologies

net zero home planning & Design poster

"Natural building is best nestled in a landscape paradise"

The way to the home is a pathway from the garden of frolic senses and medicinal plants. A Home is where you grow your own food.


Permaculture Design Poster

A Green Building Community
A Community building Green

Fingerprint of Sustainability poster

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